DNA Testing for nutrition and WEIGHT LOSS

Discover how genetics can help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals.

Our proprietary full-sequence DNA test provides you with key metabolic information about yourself in a way that is easy to understand. Let us unlock your DNA in order to help you lose weight and reach your optimal health.

The impact of diet, lifestyle, exercise, and environment on an individual’s genetic makeup should not be underestimated. Knowledge of how genes are influenced by external factors enables the development of personalised health programs not only in supporting the chronically ill patient to improve health but also for someone at peak fitness levels to gain the most from their training and nutrition programs.

DNA Testing


This Price is Per Test

(If you are interested in both DNA Health & DNA Diet the multi-test discounted price would be $800)


Why get your DNA tested?

  • The results last a lifetime.

  • We eliminate the guesswork regarding which foods you should eat.

  • We save you time on your workouts by helping to determine the exercises that really work for you.

  • We help you save money by purchasing only those supplements which work with your genotype.

  • We help seamlessly incorporate the results of your DNA test into your daily routine.

  • We help you rid your mind of the guilt of failure, fear of the unknown, and frustration of not seeing your hard work pay off.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

  • Can I get in better shape by exercising less?

  • Can I gain weight while on a low-calorie diet?

  • Can the same supplement affect me differently than another person?

  • Can my current workout make me fat?

  • Can I eat more and STILL lose weight?

The simple answer is “yes.” With DNA testing, we analyze your genes to get a clear and accurate reading of your DNA, which in turn helps to answer all of these questions as they pertain to you, and only you. We then break it down to tell you what to DO, EAT, and TAKE so you get the results you want from your efforts.

DNA Health


Start living your healthiest life today

DNA Health is designed to identify any potential lifestyle diseases and to optimise a patient’s well-being and health by personalising their lifestyle and diet choices. The DNA Health approach assists the healthcare practitioner in establishing the optimal nutrition necessary for good health, longevity and disease risk mitigation.

DNA Health tests for 36 gene variants involved in the following biological processes that have been linked to risk for diseases of lifestyle:

  • Cholesterol metabolism

  • Bone Health & risk for osteoporosis

  • Methylation and risk for cancer

  • Inflammation and oxidative stress

  • Detoxification

  • Insulin Sensitivity and risk for diabetes

  • Food Responsiveness, including Lactose intolerance, Caffeine processing, Salt sensitivity and blood pressure & Iron overload disorders



Your DNA is unique to you, we believe your diet should be too

DNA Diet is designed to assist the healthcare practitioner in the design of a personalised healthy eating plan based on individual genetic differences. As part of this world-leading product’s offering, DNA Diet also provides additional insight into how each patient individual reacts to:

  • carbohydrates,

  • saturated fats, and

  • exercise

This allows a dietician to personalise an optimised eating plan that is scientifically driven to work. Weight management and healthy eating are integral to long-term health and can prevent poor health and various chronic diseases. There is no one diet or way of eating that is correct for everyone, but DNA Diet will identify the best way for you

DNA Diet tests several gene variations that impact metabolism, absorption and storage of fats and carbohydrates, as well as eating behaviour to understand how an individual’s genetic profile will impact their response our most effective healthy eating plans:

  • Low fat,

  • Mediterranean, and

  • Low Carbohydrate.

 * It is important to note that DNA Diet is not a diet plan and simply having the test done in no way contributes to weight loss.